What is this?

The fastest way to share a picture on the web.

Simply drag a photo from anywhere on your computer to the box on the right, and your image will be uploaded.

We'll give you a direct link to your image so you can share it quickly on Tumblr, Twitter, e-mail, or anywhere!

How does it work?

HTML5image.com utilizes the latest browser technology and web standards (a language called HTML5) to make this possible. No downloads, plug-ins, extensions required. Currently tested on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 5+, and Safari 4+.

Your uploaded images will be viewable in any browser, including Internet Explorer.

How long are images stored?

Images will be deleted if not accessed in 6 months to make room for new or more popular images. Want your images to be stored much longer? More features, including user logins, are currently being developed.

Drag Pictures Here!

Single or Multiple